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Mama Nko

Mama Nko

Mama Nko

Mama Jave

Mama Jave

Mama Jave

Mama Edgar

Mama Edgar

Mama Edgar

Mama Janet

Mama Janet

Mama Janet

Mama Agspe

Mama Agspe

Mama Agspe


Marjorie Tulloch

Marjorie Tulloch

Marj is a strong and faithful supporter of the work at MCCC where she spent a year or more as a resident mentor to some of the older girls. In between those responsibilities, her personal compassion and Christian service was also being worked out with the use of her skills as a prosthetics expert at the KCMC hospital in Moshi.

Linda Watson

Linda Watson

Linda is the chair of the Trustees. She has had a special interest in the children and the work of MCCC since visiting the centre many years ago. Linda has had a long and successful career in education and student guidance and this passion for the well-being of others comes through in her desire to see the best done for the children in Moshi.

Jacqui McKinnon

Jacqui McKinnon

Jacqui has been working with MCCC in Tanzania since she and her husband Allan went to Moshi in 1995. She has had key responsibilities in overseeing and managing the work for almost 15 years. Now based in the UK she is a keen supported of the children's centre and always trying to look for new and innovative ways of doing things better. Jacqui and Allan visit in Tanzania regularly to keep up with the staff and children.

Allan McKinnon

Allan McKinnon

Allan has been involved with the work at MCCC since 1995 when together with his wife Jacqui they lived and served at the children's centre in Tanzania. Since coming back to the Uk in 2009 he has had many opportunties to visit and support the leadership team and the children. Allan serves on the board of MCCC Ministries trustees as treasurer.

Allison Hill

Allison Hill

Allison has a background in child education and has shown her compassion and commitment to the children of MCCC by visiting every year for the last 15 years or so. She has been a key player in the camps that are run each year at the children's centre where she leads the team, trains national leaders, and teaches the children about the Lord Jesus Christ. Affectionately known as 'Dada Allison' she is loved by all the kids.

Ian Watson

Ian Watson

Ian has joined the trustees since his retirement from running his own business and brings his experience to bear at the sharp end of planning and executing some of our ideas. He has also maintained his interest in the centre's work among children having visited on more than one occasion.


The weighty responsibility of caring for these children is shared by a number of other organisations and individuals who give to the work, pray for the work and go to support the work from time to time.


Here we list a few of the organisations who help and support in one way or another:


Brass Tacks (UK Charity No. 298767)


GLO (Scottish Charity No. SC007355)


Greenview Church, Glasgow (Scottish Charity Number SC017082)


Laura-Campbell Preston Charitable Trust (Scottish Charity No. SC025470)


Moshi Christian Children’s Centre Ministries (Scottish Charity No. SC042402)


The Elie Trust(Scottish Charity No. SC046831)


The Vine Trust (Scottish Charity No. SC017386)


If you would like to explore ways in which you or your organisation could partner in this ministry then please contact us.

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